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Kindness Is Her Superpower

Some superheroes can leap tall buildings in a single bound, some can crawl up a wall, some grow wolfsharp claws, and some have superhuman speed. And Superbuns? Her superpower is being kind. Super kind. She can't help but be kind: watering a neighbor's daisies; helping a friend cross the street; feeding a hungry goldfish.

Superbuns's older sister Blossom is a super know-it-all who doesn't believe kindness is a superpower. Not one bit. And all this kindness is slowing them down on their way to Grammy's house, where a yummy carrot cobbler awaits.

But the sisters are being followed by a little fox, and when Blossom learns the fox is not after their cobbler but is lost, she discovers kindness really is a superpower after all
R$ 55,72
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