The Shopping Game

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Earn money and move your car around the board to be the first to complete your shopping in this interactive game from Scholastic Early Learners! An innovative, math-focused learning game complete with QR-code guidance. Provides practice in math and teaches the value of money.

Make learning fun with this new line of innovative games from Scholastic Early Learners. Earn money and move your car around the board to be the first to complete your shopping. This math-focused learning game provides counting and math practice, helps teach money sense and the value of money, and develops children's problem solving abilities. Complete with a QR-code to provide guidance to parents and players!

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Books & Toys Comercio de Livros e Jogos LTDA - CNPJ: 16.669.396/0001-02 © Todos os direitos reservados. 2024

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